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Bots Collection Telegram Group

Telegram Bot

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Bot Collections Telegram Group 
Bot Collections (You can join this Telegram Group but only admins can post content)
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About this video - Useful Telegram Bots, somewhat for SEO purposes
Check this SEO channel post about useful bots we're using onTelegram SEO Group. Only real bots and there is no scam bots and absolutely we're not dealing with all scammer on Telegram, we built a community for free advertisement on Telegram by maximize what a bot can do and make our tasks getting easier and that's it all, nothing else

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That means a Telegram App received the request and it is an authorization passport. The process starts when your app receives an event from one of the SDKs (a compile of libraries, APIs, documentation, utilities, and codes) or from a custom source and the SDKs trigger a passport authorization request by opening the following Telegram-specific URI: tg://resolve?params

Quick search (queries) results based on availability on this page even more on our Telegram channel. You can add a bot to the Telegram group as you wish as we have selected them all, simply copy the bot username here and paste it into the Telegram search engine box (search bar) if you're on the TG platform. Additionally if you have your own bot you can enable link preview feature for all websites which means your bot is doing such "iframing other sites"

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Telegram Bot Collections

Sample of bots:

More bot samples by Telegram Bot usernames, or click here to find those bots on Telegram (it's a catalog of good Telegram Bots) 
  1. @Whois_Bot
  2. @ReadmeBot
  3. @Allen_Test_Papers_Robot
  4. @NikanMember_Bot
  5. @AlQuran_TamilBot 
  6. @ASM_Books_bot 
  7. @biblegatewaybot 
  8. @BismillahBot 
  9. @bkcrushfilesbot 
  10. @BookCornerBot 
  11. @bookdownbot 
  12. @bookinator_bot
  13. @epub_to_pdf_bot
  14. @Ethio_students_text_book_bot
  15. @EthioTextBookBot
  16. @FathimahBot 
  17. @firstlibrarybot
  18. @FreeLibrarianBot
  19. @GerKioskBot 
  20. @GoogleBooksSearchBot 
  21. @Hs_books_bot
  22. @IslamicQuranBot
  23. @libgen_scihub_bot
  24. @LibraryPoint_BoT
  25. @LibraryPoint_BoT
  26. @LljBot
  27. @Medical_Book_Bot 
  28. @MyCookBot
  29. @MYWaktuSolatbot 
  30. @pdfbot
  31. @pdfobot 
  32. @podcastly_bot 
  33. @programming_resources_bot
  34. @QuranBot 
  35. @Quranvideobot
  36. @readingpalbot
  37. @skimbot
  38. @studentsTextbooksBot
  39. @TelereadsBot 
  40. @thezlib_bot
  41. @TrackTheBookBot 
  42. @UdemyScrapperZBot
  43. @UploadBooksBot 
  44. @wololopdfbot
  45. @zlibrarybot
  46. @AFK_ReplyBot
  47. @aigis_bot
  48. @aiouploaderbot
  49. @AlertBot
  50. @allsaverbot
  51. @amortmbot
  52. @anonfileuploaderbot
  53. @atthemeglossarybot 
  54. @Axenia_Bot 
  55. @bacakubot
  56. @BetterTTSBot 
  57. @bitbucket_bot
  58. @BNoteBot 
  59. @bookmarchbot 
  60. @calcit_bot
  61. @CalcuBot 
  62. @CaptionEdit_bot
  63. @cfadmin_bot
  64. @chatbridgebot 
  65. @chotamreaderbot 
  66. @chotaurlbot
  67. @cleanpostbot
  68. @ClearURLs_bot 
  69. @cloud_convert_bot 
  70. @CloudTorrenterBOT
  71. @combot
  72. @ComenBot 
  73. @CommentsBot
  74. @compilebot 
  75. @ConverterKKDBot
  76. @ConvertProBot
  77. @createAtthemeBot
  78. @crssbot
  79. @CustomTwigBot
  80. @design_bot 
  81. @DetachBot
  82. @DirectFileLinkBot 
  83. @directionsbot
  84. @discussbot
  85. @do2bot 
  86. @dooxbot 
  87. @driveuploadbot
  88. @DropmailBot
  89. @DrWebBot
  90. @EditHistory_bot
  91. @el_monitorro_bot
  92. @etlgr_bot 
  93. @EuromillionsBot 
  94. @evernoterobot 
  95. @ExchangeRatesBot
  96. @Factornumbers_bot
  97. @fakemailbot 
  98. @FBvidzBot
  99. @FDTorrentSearchBot
  100. @feed_reader_bot
  101. @FileBot 
  102. @FileConvertBot
  103. @filehashing_bot
  104. @filesbot
  105. @filestolinkbot
  106. @filetobot 
  107. @FileToLinkTGrobot
  108. @FileUploaderBot
  109. @FileX_bot
  110. @foldersbot
  111. @folders_bot 
  112. @Forward_cobot
  113. @ForwardsCoverBot
  114. @foursquare 
  115. @gdprbot 
  116. @Gdriveit_bot
  117. @gDriveManagerBot
  118. @gdriveupme_bot
  119. @GdriveXbot
  120. @GenPwdBot
  121. @getgitbot 
  122. @g_ibot 
  123. @GitHubbBot
  124. @GitHubBot
  125. @GithubNotificationsBot
  126. @githubrevisedbot
  127. @gitlab_bot
  128. @Glass_Btnbot 
  129. @GmailBot 
  130. @GoodQuoteBot 
  131. @GoogleBookmarkBot
  132. @GoogleSearchRobot
  133. @goourlbot
  134. @gopublishbot 
  135. @Gozilla_bot 
  136. @gplinksbot
  137. @HashIDentity_BOT 
  138. @HastebinCodeBot
  139. @HK_dropbox_BOT 
  140. @HK_onedrive_BOT
  141. @HKPublicLinkBot
  142. @AnyDLBot
  143. @AzhkanBot
  144. @Beetube_bot
  145. @BHMultiBot
  146. @CalsiBot
  147. @FunctionsRobot
  148. @ApkfiledownloaderBot
  149. @AppFollowBot
  150. @AurSearchBot
  151. @CodeML_bot
  152. @GithubReleasesBot
  153. @Iluvtelegrambot
  154. @NewReleasesioBot
  155. @RepoHubbot
  156. @tviggo_bot
  157. @XiaomiGeeksBot
  158. @kozRandBot
  159. @MahmudsBot
  160. @matticatebot
  161. @MeReminderBot
  162. @metagon_bot
  163. @missYurikobot
  164. @mokubot
  165. @MultiToolRoBot
  166. @MultiUsageBot
  167. @nedzbot
  168. @oneGooglebot
  169. @pboxbot
  170. @polybot
  171. @q_r_code_bot
  172. @RadRetroRobot
  173. @redken_bot
  174. @ReloadLifeBot
  175. @roanuedhuru_bot
  176. @Siarobot
  177. @taylorrobot
  178. @toolkitbot
  179. @UtilitiesRobot
  180. @uwu_weeb_bot
  181. @WMOOfficialBot
  182. @YtbDownBot
  183. @zaqsbot
  184. @home2bot 
  185. @how_doiBOt
  186. @httpcat_s_bot 
  187. @HttpResponseBot
  188. @idmprobot
  189. @idocodingBot
  190. @IFTTT 
  191. @imagereaderbot
  192. @imageToText_bot
  193. @InLaTeXbot 
  194. @instantsoundbot 
  195. @integram_bot
  196. @ioubankerbot
  197. @ip_tools_bot
  198. @iShortURLBot 
  199. @JoboBot 
  200. @JPG2PDFBot
  201. @JsonDumpBot 
  202. @jsonifybot
  203. @justplants_bot
  204. @KonvBot
  205. @LarynxBot
  206. @LinkForFilebot
  207. @LinkgramBot
  208. @linkpreviewbot 
  209. @MACLBot 
  210. @Manybot
  211. @markdowndevbot
  212. @MathCalcBot 
  213. @mediauploader_bot
  214. @MenuBuilderBot
  215. @MessagesPDFBot
  216. @MetricsBot
  217. @MiTrackingBot 
  218. @MonitorBot_bot
  219. @MTProxybot
  220. @multifeed_edge_bot
  221. @myinstantsbot 
  222. @NCGplinkBot
  223. @newfileconverterbot
  224. @NewTodoListBot
  225. @nguLikJSONbot
  226. @nmr_LinkBot
  227. @nnbbot 
  228. @OneplusOneUtilityBot
  229. @opus2audio_bot
  230. @OSMbot 
  231. @PackagistBot 
  232. @passgenbot 
  233. @Pbtorrentbot
  234. @PCREBot
  235. @pcypher_bot
  236. @Pdf2imgbot 
  237. @pdfpreviewbot
  238. @photo2pdf_bot 
  239. @previews 
  240. @ProURLUploadBot
  241. @pstrbot
  242. @PublicDownloadLinkBot
  243. @PushitBot
  244. @PushNoticeBot
  245. @pypipbot
  246. @PyroJsonDumpBot 
  247. @QRCodeRoBot
  248. @QRCode_Ro_Bot 
  249. @QRcodeSafeBOT
  250. @QRcodesBot
  251. @qrcrbot
  252. @QueryMessageBot
  253. @QuotLyBot
  254. @ReadmeBot
  255. @redditdownloader_bot
  256. @RedirectsBot
  257. @remoteyoutubedl_bot
  258. @ReadmeBot
  259. @renamebot
  260. @Renamer_bot 
  261. @RenameRockersBot
  262. @returnjsonbot 
  263. @reverseSearchBot 
  264. @rextester_bot 
  265. @rfilesbot
  266. @RgbToHexBot 
  267. @rgen_bot
  268. @RLNBot 
  269. @RRemindersBot
  270. @bawlBot
  271. @BettergramBot
  272. @boldbot
  273. @carbonnow_bot
  274. @CarbonNowShBot
  275. @cloakbot
  276. @CoolTextGeneratorBot
  277. @CustomFontsBot
  278. @EK_Font_Gen_Bot
  279. @emojimagicbot
  280. @emojipedia_bot
  281. @FancyCharsBot
  282. @FineOCRBot
  283. @fixmebot
  284. @fliptxtbot
  285. @FontogramBot
  286. @FontzoBot
  287. @formato_bot
  288. @grammarNz_Bot
  289. @guggybot
  290. @iFlipTextBot
  291. @LCxUrlEncode_bot
  292. @MakePasteBot
  293. @markdownbot
  294. @MarkdownPlusBot
  295. @mdtohtmlbot
  296. @qazwtfbot
  297. @segoeuibot
  298. @selfdestructbot
  299. @ShrugBot
  300. @spoibot
  301. @strlenbot
  302. @stthbot
  303. @temply_bot
  304. @textcanvas_bot
  305. @textfacesbot
  306. @TextMagicBot
  307. @textojibot
  308. @TextToFileBot
  309. @TextTSBot
  310. @textutilsbot
  311. @TgTextBot
  312. @TheCarbonShBot
  313. @Txt2SpeechBot
  314. @TypeEffectBot
  315. @WordClouder_Bot
  316. @rss2tg_bot
  317. @rssPubBot 
  318. @safe_bot
  319. @screenshot_url_bot
  320. @scsht_bot
  321. @SecretgramBot 
  322. @SecureMasterTagAlert2Bot
  323. @sedbbot
  324. @sendme_bot
  325. @server_monitor_bot
  326. @shortenMyUrlBot
  327. @Shortlink_Revealer_Bot
  328. @ShortUrlBot
  329. @shorturl_googl_bot
  330. @shorturlinksbot 
  331. @ShowJsonBot 
  332. @ShowUpdateBot
  333. @shrnamebot
  334. @sitehunterbot
  335. @SlackRobot
  336. @SmallURLbot
  337. @SmartConverter_Bot
  338. @SmartFileUtilsBot
  339. @SmartReaderBot
  340. @smswaybot
  341. @smtpbot
  342. @SpamBot 
  343. @stackoverflow_telegram_bot
  344. @StringifyBot 
  345. @svgo_bot
  346. @tastekidbot 
  347. @tcmebot
  348. @teleformsbot 
  349. @telegraph 
  350. @TelegrapyRobot
  351. @TeleLabsBot 
  352. @TeleUploaderBot
  353. @tenorbot 
  354. @BanInfoRobot
  355. @CASInfoBot
  356. @CheckNicknameBot
  357. @creationdatebot
  358. @Fake_gen_bot
  359. @FDRandomNameGeneratorBot
  360. @GetAltsBot
  361. @get_id_bot
  362. @getidsbot
  363. @GetMyDateBot
  364. @grablab_osint_ru
  365. @IDBot_Bot
  366. @KeyGeneratorBot
  367. @MessagesInfoBot
  368. @Mona_jarvis_bot
  369. @myid_bot
  370. @RandomUserGenBot
  371. @RawDataBot
  372. @SangMataInfo_bot
  373. @TG_InfoXBot
  374. @tgscanrobot
  375. @trackphonenumberbot
  376. @TruCaller_Bot
  377. @userdatabot
  378. @userinfobot
  379. @username_bot
  380. @usinfobot
  381. @vehicle_info_bot
  382. @VerifyBot
  383. @WiseInfoBot
  384. @TeURLbot 
  385. @TexifyBot
  386. @textobot 
  387. @TgBg_Bot
  388. @tgscanrobot
  389. @tg_feedbot
  390. @TGfilestolinkbot
  391. @TGraphProBot
  392. @TheFeedReaderBot
  393. @ThemePreviewBot
  394. @ThemesPorterBot
  395. @TheProtectBot
  396. @TheReverseSearch_bot
  397. @the_timezone_bot
  398. @The_Trimmer_bot
  399. @tlgurbot
  400. @topdf_bot 
  401. @TorrentXbot
  402. @tothemoonrobot 
  403. @TrabberBot
  404. @TrafficRobot
  405. @trans4mer_bot
  406. @transcriber_bot
  407. @transfershBot
  408. @trashemail_bot
  409. @TriggerResponseBot
  410. @asciiart_bot
  411. @awesomewallsbot
  412. @bingbot
  413. @bruhulbot
  414. @burnbgbot
  415. @CreateMeme_bot
  416. @CuteCatBot
  417. @dpixivbot
  418. @dwnpbot
  419. @facyBot
  420. @filmresoucrebot
  421. @FotoRepBot
  422. @FreeStockPhotosBot
  423. @GameBoyCameraBot
  424. @iconrailsBot
  425. @ImageBot
  426. @image_cbot
  427. @ImageConverterRobot
  428. @image_deepfrybot
  429. @ImageEditorPR_Bot
  430. @ImageGraphBot
  431. @imgurbot_bot
  432. @ImgurImageUploadBot
  433. @ImgurImageUploaderBot
  434. @logostampbot
  435. @makecollage_bot
  436. @memingbot
  437. @MemrooBot
  438. @MR_OCR_Bot
  439. @noSVGbot
  440. @openPixabaybot
  441. @PicToCartoonBot
  442. @PixabayBot
  443. @PixelatorBot
  444. @PixieImageBot
  445. @polaroidframe_bot
  446. @PostImages_Bot
  447. @PrintNameBot
  448. @RGBrobot
  449. @SauceNAObot
  450. @StickerStoryBot
  451. @Take_SS_bot
  452. @TeleSaucenao_bot
  453. @TelgraphUploadEricBot
  454. @theimagebot
  455. @UnplashTest_bot
  456. @UploadsBot
  457. @WallpaperscraftBot
  458. @wmarkbot
  459. @ZPiFoxBot
  460. @acknobot
  461. @Noticias24hBot
  462. @NovelCoronaVirusBot
  463. @ReddBot
  464. @ShowMore_Bot
  465. @SwotyCryptoBot
  466. @tokeibot
  467. @uaecoronabot
  468. @wdraktuell_bot
  469. @XasonNewsBot
  470. @airtrack_bot
  471. @BusEtaBot
  472. @ChooChooBot
  473. @ClockBot
  474. @DWDWarnBot
  475. @Ek_Country_Bot
  476. @FlightNotifyBot
  477. @FnCountryInfoBot
  478. @hereiambot
  479. @HipsterCatBot
  480. @hotelbot
  481. @hotelhuntbot
  482. @inmobot
  483. @libretaxi_bot
  484. @MetrogoBot
  485. @myairbnb_bot
  486. @openmap_bot
  487. @paraderosbot
  488. @raindropsbot
  489. @RomaBusBot
  490. @RouteCabBot
  491. @SearchLocationnBot
  492. @sendhelp_bot
  493. @Sq4Bot
  494. @toGoListBot
  495. @UtilityGeographics_Bot
  496. @where_to_eatbot
  497. @apkdecompilebot
  498. @KimovilSbot
  499. @SmartphoneDBot
  500. @LocationvisualizerBot
  501. @bot_olhovivobot
  502. @TechCrunchBot
  503. @travisci_build_bot
  504. @TryDB_bot
  505. @BestTravelBot
  506. @BetterLocationBot
  507. @ts2chbot
  508. @tthemebot 
  509. @TTrackbot
  510. @TTSBot 
  511. @u2gd_bot
  512. @ubervotebot 
  513. @UF_SSAbot
  514. @uIDSbot 
  515. @UkDictBot 
  516. @uloadit_bot
  517. @UnicornBayBot 
  518. @UnitConversionBot 
  519. @UnshortURLbot
  520. @upfileiobot
  521. @UploadMedia_Bot
  522. @UploadsRobot
  523. @UploadToImgurBot
  524. @UptoTGbot
  525. @URL2IMGBot
  526. @BookQuoteBot
  527. @BuchBookBot
  528. @buklyabot 
  529. @complete_pdf_bot
  530. @ebooksdlbot
  531. @eBooksdlsbot
  532. @a8bot
  533. @AndyRobot
  534. @AndyRobot
  535. @BabelgramBot
  536. @betterTranslateBot
  537. @BotGoogleTranslatebot
  538. @DictionaryXBot
  539. @dictsbot
  540. @dleraebot
  541. @drae_bot
  543. @ENHIBot
  544. @EnKnBot
  545. @ENMLBot
  546. @ENTABot
  547. @EntagBot
  548. @en_to_tw_bot
  549. @FarmanTranslatorbot
  550. @FindContextBot
  551. @FnTranslateBot
  552. @gevri128BOT
  553. @Googletranslateitbot
  554. @GpyTranslatorBot
  555. @grouptranslator_bot
  556. @GTradBot
  557. @iDTranslateBot
  558. @interpretbot
  559. @JapanDictBot
  560. @langAtlasBot
  561. @langbot
  562. @LangTransBot
  563. @lang_translate_bot
  564. @learnPhrasalVerbs_bot
  565. @LexicoBot
  566. @lingvanexbot
  567. @MalayalamDictionBot
  568. @Maoutrbot
  569. @NoEdgeChat_bot
  570. @oxforddictionary_bot
  571. @perevodbot
  572. @PhotosetterBot
  573. @PostsTranslatorBot
  574. @PronunciationBot
  575. @raebot
  576. @raeqbot
  577. @readup_bot
  578. @RememberWords_Bot
  579. @SimpTransBot
  580. @SpellingMasterBot
  581. @Tarjimonrobot
  582. @tgtlbot
  583. @thelanguagebot
  584. @the_translatorBot
  585. @thewatbot
  586. @ToEngBot
  587. @transalator_bot
  588. @TranslateBot
  589. @Trans_LateBot
  590. @translatefastbot 
  591. @translaterabot 
  592. @TranslateRuBot
  593. @translobot
  594. @Tranzlatorbot
  595. @UrbanDictionaryBot 
  596. @voice_translator_bot
  597. @AlbumCoverFinderBot
  598. @ampbot
  599. @auddbot
  600. @AudioConverter_cbot
  601. @audiodownldrbot
  602. @AudioFromVK_Bot
  603. @BassBoostBot
  604. @BeatSpotBot
  605. @BetterSpotifyBot
  606. @cnc_muzik_bot
  607. @convert_youtube_to_mp3_bot
  608. @datmusicbot
  609. @datmusicbot 
  610. @deezer2drivebot
  611. @DeezerHistoryBot
  612. @DeezerMusicBot
  613. @DeezerSongBot
  614. @DeezLoadBot
  615. @DeezloaderTCBot
  616. @DJSetsBot
  617. @fbmusic_bot
  618. @FindMusicPleaseBot
  619. @FlacStoreBot
  620. @FoxtuneBot
  621. @genius_the_bot
  622. @GetiTunesBot
  623. @GetLyricsBot
  624. @GIKRadiobot
  625. @GroupsMusicBot
  626. @HearForYou_Bot
  627. @IbizaPartyCalendarBot
  628. @id3bot
  629. @iLyricsBot
  630. @iMusics_Bot
  631. @JioDLBot
  632. @joeymusicbot
  633. @kezbot
  634. @kvoicebot
  635. @lastFMrobot
  636. @lilypondbot
  637. @LyricsSeekerBot
  638. @MadnessBeatBot
  639. @mediainforobot
  640. @MMusic_EditBot
  641. @mp3EditBot
  642. @mp3robot
  643. @mp3toolsbot
  644. @mptribot
  645. @MusDLBot
  646. @musicbot
  647. @Musicassistbot
  648. @MusicDownloaderRobot
  649. @MusicHunterbot
  650. @MusicKeeperBot
  651. @MusicLinkBot
  652. @music_playvbot
  653. @MusicsHunterbot
  654. @MusicSongDownloaderBot
  655. @MusicTagEditorZBot
  656. @MuzzzBot
  657. @mzz2bot
  658. @NeosMusicBot
  659. @NetdMusicBot
  660. @ngso_bot
  661. @OkGoogleMusicBot
  662. @pocket_music_bot
  663. @PyLyricsBot
  664. @RadioBot
  665. @rajoy_dice_bot
  666. @scdlbot
  667. @sc_download_bot
  668. @scrobblebot
  669. @scrobble_bot
  670. @scsavebot
  671. @SerMusicoBot
  672. @ShazamMusicChartsBot
  673. @SimpleMusxBot
  674. @songdl_bot
  675. @SongIDbot
  676. @songlyrbot
  677. @songmzbot
  678. @SongRefBot
  679. @SoundCloudGetBot
  680. @soundsnpbot
  681. @spleeter2mp3_bot
  682. @spoti_bot
  683. @spotifybot
  684. @spotifydownloadybot
  685. @Spotify_dwld_bot
  686. @SpotifyPreviewerbot
  687. @Spotybot
  688. @Tadam_bot
  689. @TechnoMusicBot
  690. @technorecbot
  691. @Tg_Group_Music_Vc_Bot
  692. @TheNexasMusic_bot
  693. @tube_mp3_bot
  694. @vkm_bot
  695. @vkmsaverbot
  696. @vkmusic_bot
  697. @voice_remover_bot
  698. @VoiceShazamBot
  699. @voicetranscriberobot
  700. @W2H_MUSIC_1_BOT
  701. @XompressorBot
  702. @yamdbot
  703. @yandex_music_bot
  704. @YeageristMusic_bot
  705. @yotBot
  706. @yourcastbot
  707. @YTAudioBot
  708. @YTAudio_Bot
  709. @YTbutlerBot
  710. @YuiHirasawaMusic_Bot
  711. @Zer0ByteMusicRoBot
  712. @aemetbot
  713. @eltiempoBot
  714. @fcstbot
  715. @smokey_bot
  716. @TeleWeatherRobot
  717. @thelairbot
  718. @the_weather_info_bot
  719. @weathercast_bot
  720. @weatherman_bot
  721. @Weathery_robot
  722. @astronomicaleventsbot
  723. @AudioQuranBot
  724. @BBCNewsBot
  725. @BingNewsBot
  726. @centrol_trader_bot
  727. @corona_cases_bot
  728. @coronametersbot
  729. @CoronaVirusInfoRobot
  730. @CoronavirusStatsBot
  731. @CoronaVirusTrentinoBot
  732. @CoronaWorldStatsBot
  733. @covid19_visual_bot
  734. @Covidcare_india_bot
  735. @CowinIndiaBot
  736. @Forbesbot
  737. @fxtm_calendar_bot
  738. @goldmanbot
  739. @HeyDocBot
  740. @MashableNewsBot
  741. @NaradaFakeBuster_bot
  742. @voicybot
  743. @WikiMologyBot
  744. @WordSenBot
  745. @WorkingDictBot 
  746. @YTranslateBot 
  747. @ebook_to_kindle_bot (This bot allow you to convert and send your ebooks to Amazon kindle even when you are on the move. It's simple and easy to use, simply click start button and command /help will show you all the necessary instructions)
  748. @eBukBot 
  749. @Educational_Bot_Version3_Bot
  750. @Urlbababot
  751. @urlprobot
  752. @urlunshortener_bot
  753. @url_uploadbot
  754. @URL_upload_by_AI_bot
  755. @UTFGBot
  756. @anticlickbaitbot 
  757. @Take_SS_bot
  758. @VootHEXbot
  759. @Chizurumanagementbot
  760. @KickTheDeletedBot
  761. @FoxtuneBot 
  762. @how_doiBOt
  763. @BanInfoRobot
  764. @Eng_Grammar_Bot
  765. @vehicle_info_bot
  766. @ConverterKKDBot
  767. @bookdownbot 
  768. @UF_SSAbot
  769. @DextyGroupBot 
  770. @Trimmer_NsBot
  771. @EthioTextBookBot
  772. @TeleUploaderBot
  773. @AdvertisingPromotionBot
  774. @SearcEngines_Bot
  775. @Lu_shin_thing_bot
  776. @ChannelBroadcaster2Bot
  777. @MyMarketingBlog_Bot
  778. @TeleGroups_bot
  779. @spam_mebot
  780. @YumikoGroupBot
  781. @BotFather
  782. @telemetr_io_bot
  783. @tg_analytics_bot
  784. @TGStat_Bot
  785. @TGAlertsBot
  786. @junction_bot
  787. @XenianBot
  788. @FineOCRBot
  789. @MassActionBot
  790. @DeezerSongBot
  791. @TGOpensourceBot
  792. @NewSuggestionBot
  793. @TGShortyBot
  794. @randanimalbot
  795. @FormyRobot
  796. @podcastly_bot
  797. @dwindle_Bot
  798. @TweetShotBot
  799. @html_to_pdf_bot
  800. @WordClouder_Bot 
  801. @ImageGraphBot
  802. @MissLucy_bot
  803. @jpgtopdfbot
  804. @Rename_EK_Bot
  805. @ImageConverterRobot
  806. @qr_co_bot
  807. @FnRenameBot
  808. @FnURLUploadBot
  809. @Qr_ek_bot
  810. @imgurbot_bot
  811. @DiarioScuola_bot
  812. @youtubednbot
  813. @Botsifybot
  814. @iMusics_Bot
  815. @langAtlasBot 
  816. @uCaptchaBot
  817. @stickershirtsbot 
  818. @FDroidSearchBot 
  819. @twitter_forwarder_test_bot
  820. @ChannelPKbot
  821. @TGhost_bot
  822. @Memeing_Bot
  823. @ZipperProBot
  824. @awesomewallsbot
  825. @sgchessbot
  826. @contactorobot
  827. @TGfilmbot
  828. @GetMyDateBot
  829. @amortmbot
  830. @rek22bot
  831. @faldbot
  832. @mastermembot
  833. @tgstomp4bot
  834. @rememebot
  835. @readingpalbot
  836. @theanimebot
  837. @SongsForYouBot
  838. @EmojiCaptchaBot
  839. @torrentsearcher_bot
  840. @CleanDiscussionBot
  841. @GroupGeoLimiter_Bot
  842. @SmartConverter_Bot
  843. @AnonFaceBot
  844. @live2020iplbot
  845. @owntruecallerbot
  846. @MAL_X_bot
  847. @TeleGiG_EmployBot
  848. @programming_resources_bot
  849. @Suzuya_ProBot
  850. @BetsInPlayBot
  851. @SK4ubot 
  852. @subgetbot
  853. @amortchannelbot
  854. @nguLikJSONbot
  855. @WiseInfoBot 
  856. @TeleGiG_EarnBot
  857. @Pokeraidsp_BOT 
  858. @m36bot
  859. @GetLyricsBot 
  860. @mailableBot
  861. @playlist_dl_robot
  862. @WBmoviesBot
  863. @recally_bot
  864. @BR_Anime_Bot
  865. @UserTaggerBot
  866. @dleraebot
  867. @FnTranslateBot
  868. @GifModeratorBot
  869. @Amith_Aspro_Bot
  870. @TlUrlBot
  871. @ShrugEmojiBot
  872. @py3tg_bot
  873. @opentgarchivebot 
  874. @drm_downloader_robot
  875. @TTdlRobot 
  876. @hk_rename_bot
  877. @ThumbnailZbot
  878. @TwitterDownloaderBot
  879. @makecollage_bot
  880. @complete_pdf_bot
  881. @ChatCalcBot
  882. @LyciaRobot
  883. @TGAntiServiceBot
  884. @SubscribeChannelBot
  885. @voicewatcherbot
  886. @FarmanTranslatorbot
  887. @P0st_maker_bot
  888. @GoogleBooksSearchBot
  889. @FontzoBot 
  890. @downloader_tiktok_bot 
  891. @MentionAllMembers_Bot
  892. @ttlessbot
  893. @UploadPhotoBot
  894. @DocConverterBot
  895. @Mega_uploaderxBot
  896. @uploadDxbot
  897. @dmlkrulerbot
  898. @MusicTagEditorZBot
  899. @ID_TG_BOT
  900. @GooofyBot
  901. @Balance_pro_bot
  902. @Maoutrbot
  903. @thecinemarobot
  904. @HastebinUploadBot
  905. @calcsBot
  906. @grablab_osint_ru
  907. @NexaUnzipper_Bot
  908. @justmeetofficial_bot
  909. @TGShareTextBot
  910. @WhatsAppSaveBot
  911. @Movies_Down_Bot
  912. @SecureWhisperBot
  913. @Eval_CodeBot
  914. @StickersToolsPRBot
  915. @CreateGIFsBot
  916. @group_radio_bot
  917. @soundsnpbot
  918. @songmzbot
  919. @VoiceShazamBot
  920. @BotXCreatorBot
  921. @mexpvtbot
  922. @LuciferQuotesBot
  923. @ClashRoyaleStats_Bot
  924. @Zip_Files_Bot
  925. @Eminem_orgbot
  926. @MaxWellGamesBot
  927. @ArchiverProBot
  928. @ShortenerUrlBot
  929. @eBooksdlsbot
  930. @Unzipper_Robot
  931. @videoconverter_cbot
  932. @LinkShort_Unshort_cbot
  933. @AudioConverter_cbot
  934. @OdinRobot 
  935. @webuploader_cbot
  936. @urluploader_cbot
  937. @videocompressor_cbot
  938. @VideoMerger_cbot
  939. @gdriveup_cbot
  940. @renamer_cbot
  941. @Pokemon_TCG_Bot
  942. @Video_Trimmer_cbot
  943. @FileToLinkGen_cBot
  944. @GoFileZBot
  945. @MediaAttacherZBot
  946. @mp3toolsbot
  947. @ImageEditorPR_Bot
  948. @ToNotionBot
  950. @ICProxiesBot
  951. @CASInfoBot
  952. @QuizOMaticBot
  953. @APIs_for_Developers_bot 
  954. @yt_dbot
  955. @export_telegraph_bot
  956. @image_cbot
  957. @AurSearchBot 
  958. @MusicProducerRobot
  959. @thelanguagebot
  960. @voicetranscriberobot
  961. @MagnetLinkDLBot
  962. @coinXtrabot
  963. @thewatbot
  964. @YTSZBot
  965. @AzhkanBot
  966. @MissSenorita_bot
  967. @VideoToGifConverterBot
  968. @this_person_doesnt_exists_bot
  969. @Video_To_Audio_Bot
  970. @SearchLocationnBot
  971. @YandexUpDownBot
  972. @Alita_Robot
  973. @MultiUsageBot
  974. @MultiToolRoBot
  975. @CatboxUploaderBot
  976. @etchosts_bot
  977. @asciiart_bot
  978. @everyone_mention_bot
  979. @noautopinbot
  980. @FileHashBot
  981. @TheHasherBot
  982. @UploaderTelegraphBot 
  983. @firstlibrarybot
  984. @UdemyScrapperZBot
  985. @GetiTunesBot 
  986. @CaptionEditorZBot
  987. @feedinboxbot
  988. @translaterabot 
  989. @LinkShortenerZBot
  990. @Spotify_dwld_bot
  991. @igsavesbot
  992. @ProxyGenerateBot 
  993. @textcanvas_bot
  994. @ig_dbot
  995. @UtilitiesRobot
  996. @AutoDeleteV2bot
  997. @nedzbot 
  998. @ProYTZBot
  999. @discount_livebot
  1000. @emojinateBot
  1001. @MessagesCounterBot
  1002. @DP_WatermarkBot
  1003. @RouteCabBot
  1004. @AllSportsLiveBot
  1005. @AJviewCounter_bot
  1006. @AlainXRobot 
  1007. @AlinaDcruzbot
  1008. @Alita_Robot
  1009. @AllDoBot
  1010. @AllMightRobot
  1011. @amortchannelbot
  1012. @Anierobot_bot
  1013. @anonym10_bot
  1014. @Anonymous_telegram_bot
  1015. @AntiAnimatedStickersBot
  1016. @AntiArabicScriptBot
  1017. @AntiBinanceBot
  1018. @AntiChannelServiceMessageBot 
  1019. @anticlickbaitbot 
  1020. @AntiCommandBot
  1021. @AntiCyrillicScriptBot
  1022. @AntiDeletedAccountBot
  1023. @AntiDeletedAccounts_Bot 
  1024. @AntiHanScriptBot
  1025. @AntiHyperlinkBot
  1026. @AntiInlineBot
  1027. @AntiJoinMessageBot
  1028. @AntiLanguage_Bot
  1029. @AntiNSFW_Robot
  1030. @antipbot
  1031. @AntiServiceMessageBot
  1032. @AntiServiceMessage_Bot
  1033. @AntiTCNLinkBot
  1034. @antiubot 
  1035. @AntiUserbotsBot
  1036. @AntiVoiceMessageBot 
  1037. @anycombot
  1038. @AshKetchumRobot
  1039. @AutoDeleteV2bot
  1040. @autokick_bot
  1041. @AutoWelcomeKickBot
  1042. @banofbot
  1043. @BanVoteBot
  1044. @BanWarnBot
  1045. @BarrePolice_Bot 
  1046. @baymax_en_bot
  1047. @BoteratorBot
  1048. @botostorebot 
  1049. @BruhhBot
  1050. @CaptchaVerifierBot
  1051. @Channel2RSSBot
  1052. @ChannelButtonsBot 
  1053. @channelhashbot
  1054. @ChannelLikeBot
  1055. @ChannelPKbot
  1056. @channelrushbot
  1057. @channely_bot
  1058. @ChatCalcBot
  1059. @ChatfightforpazzoidiBot
  1060. @ChatKeeperBot
  1061. @chelpbot 
  1062. @Chizurumanagementbot
  1063. @CleanDiscussionBot
  1064. @CleanerChatBot
  1065. @Cleanrobot
  1066. @combot
  1067. @comfavbot
  1068. @CommentsBot 
  1069. @CommentsUserBot
  1070. @ConfluxBot 
  1071. @confstatbot
  1072. @ControllerBot
  1073. @CorsaBot
  1074. @CricketGroup1_bot
  1075. @dangerdog_bot
  1076. @daysandbox_bot
  1077. @delall_bot
  1078. @delete96bot
  1079. @DeleteEventsBot
  1080. @DemisukeBot 
  1081. @DextyGroupBot 
  1082. @DiscussionGroupBot
  1083. @DiscussUnpinBot 
  1084. @EasyBoardBot 
  1085. @EduuRobot
  1086. @Elizabeth_TgBot
  1087. @EmailGateBot
  1088. @EmiliaHikariBot 
  1089. @EmojiCaptchaBot
  1090. @EpicLightBot
  1091. @everyone_mention_bot
  1092. @EveryoneTheBot 
  1093. @ExecutrixBot
  1094. @ezPointsBot
  1095. @famigliacounterbot 
  1096. @FeedManBot
  1097. @files_sender_bot
  1098. @ForceSubBot
  1099. @ForceSubscribeRobot 
  1100. @FreeFilterBot 
  1101. @FreqRobot
  1102. @GalactronBot
  1103. @gbdummy2_bot
  1104. @GBReborn_bot
  1105. @ggbanbot
  1106. @gifremove_bot
  1107. @glinker_bot
  1108. @GooofyBot
  1109. @grep_robot
  1110. @groupagreebot 
  1111. @GroupAnonymousBot 
  1112. @GroupAttendanceBot 
  1113. @GroupButler_bot
  1114. @GroupGuardianBot 
  1115. @GroupHelpBot 
  1116. @grpdefbot
  1117. @gTrackingBot
  1118. @GuessPersonBot
  1119. @HeyTacoBot 
  1120. @HiatusCBot 
  1121. @ICManagerBot 
  1122. @ImRobot 
  1123. @ITelegraphBot 
  1124. @IVSwitcherBot
  1125. @jh0ker_welcomebot
  1126. @Joinhider2_bot
  1127. @joinhider_bot
  1128. @joinleft_bot
  1129. @junction_bot 
  1130. @KenKaneki_Help_Bot
  1131. @KickInactiveMembersBoT
  1132. @KickTheDeletedBot
  1133. @kigyorobot
  1134. @KLFilterBot 
  1135. @lang_blocker_bot
  1136. @like 
  1137. @Likeandsharebot
  1138. @LikeComBot 
  1139. @LikeFastBot
  1140. @liker10_bot
  1141. @littleGuardianBot 
  1142. @LockBot
  1143. @LyciaRobot
  1144. @MassAction_Bot 
  1145. @MasterPoll2Bot 
  1146. @MasterPollBot 
  1147. @MasterPoll_Bot 
  1148. @MasterTagAlertBot 
  1149. @mattatabot 
  1150. @Maver_ckBot
  1151. @MaxAppBot
  1152. @MediaEditorRobot
  1153. @mentiionbot
  1154. @MentionAllMembers_Bot
  1155. @MentionRobot
  1156. @MessagesCounterBot
  1157. @MessageToLinkBot
  1158. @Mikram_io_bot
  1159. @MissElevenBot
  1160. @MissMiley_bot
  1161. @MissRose_Bot
  1162. @MissSenorita_bot
  1163. @MissStella_bot
  1164. @Moderadores_Bot
  1165. @MultiForwardBot 
  1166. @MusicProducerRobot
  1167. @MwK_autofilterBOT
  1168. @mwkfilterbot
  1169. @nanokarmabot
  1170. @NativeCommentsBot 
  1171. @netpsbot 
  1172. @noarab_bot
  1173. @noautopinbot
  1174. @NoChineseBot
  1175. @nohello_robot
  1176. @nosticker_bot
  1177. @nostickersbot
  1178. @NoticeboardXBot 
  1179. @NSFW_help_bot 
  1180. @OdinRobot 
  1181. @orgrobot
  1182. @P0st_maker_bot
  1183. @PBlacklistBot
  1184. @ping0allbot
  1185. @ping1allbot
  1186. @ping_allbot
  1187. @PinThisBot
  1188. @pitacobot 
  1189. @PolitistBot
  1190. @PollBot
  1191. @polyglossia_bot 
  1192. @PostAppender_Bot
  1193. @printfbot 
  1194. @ProtectronBot
  1195. @QuanBot 
  1196. @quickdeskbot
  1197. @quickQueue_bot
  1198. @ReactBot
  1199. @removeBTCAddressBot
  1200. @RemoveETHAddressBot 
  1201. @removeHiBot 
  1202. @RemoveKeyboardBot
  1203. @RemoveURLsBot 
  1204. @Rivalrybot
  1205. @RobomizBot
  1206. @rSophieBot
  1207. @RSS_bot
  1208. @RulesRulesBot
  1209. @SafeDNSBot
  1210. @SaitamaRobot
  1211. @sakuBot 
  1212. @SangAntiBot
  1213. @Sangtei_bot 
  1214. @say_what_bot
  1215. @SecureMasterTagAlertBot
  1216. @Shieldy_bot
  1217. @shiiinabot 
  1218. @SilencerGroupBot
  1219. @simple_statistic_bot
  1220. @Skittles9823Bot
  1221. @skylee_bot
  1222. @SlxLangBlockbot
  1223. @SpamBlockersBot
  1224. @SpamKillerRobot
  1225. @SpamMeNotBot
  1226. @SpamProtectionBot
  1227. @stats_trackerbot 
  1228. @SubscribeChannelBot
  1229. @SupMario_bot
  1230. @Suzuya_ProBot
  1232. @TagAlertBot
  1233. @TGAntiServiceBot
  1234. @TGmutebot
  1235. @ThankStickerBot
  1236. @TheGroupZoidBot
  1237. @Thunder_gmbot
  1238. @time_zonebot 
  1239. @tlgrmcbot 
  1240. @topics_bot 
  1241. @TopSupergroupsBot - Telegram group searcher
  1242. @TopUsersBot
  1243. @treaderbot
  1244. @Ring_Master_003bot
  1245. @follower_seller_bot
  1246. @pic
  1247. @bing
  1248. @vid
  1249. @Zip_Files_Bot
  1250. @Eminem_orgbot
  1251. @MaxWellGamesBot
  1252. @ArchiverProBot
  1253. @ShortenerUrlBot
  1254. @eBooksdlsbot
  1255. @Unzipper_Robot
  1256. @videoconverter_cbot
  1257. @LinkShort_Unshort_cbot
  1258. @AudioConverter_cbot
  1259. @OdinRobot
  1260. @webuploader_cbot
  1261. @urluploader_cbot
  1262. @videocompressor_cbot
  1263. @VideoMerger_cbot
  1264. @gdriveup_cbot
  1265. @renamer_cbot
  1266. @Pokemon_TCG_Bot
  1267. @Video_Trimmer_cbot
  1268. @FileToLinkGen_cBot
  1269. @GoFileZBot
  1270. @MediaAttacherZBot
  1271. @mp3toolsbot
  1272. @ImageEditorPR_Bot
  1273. @ToNotionBot
  1275. @ICProxiesBot
  1276. @CASInfoBot
  1277. @QuizOMaticBot
  1278. @APIs_for_Developers_bot
  1279. @export_telegraph_bot
  1280. @image_cbot
  1281. @AurSearchBot
  1282. @MusicProducerRobot
  1283. @thelanguagebot
  1284. @voicetranscriberobot
  1285. @MagnetLinkDLBot
  1286. @coinXtrabot
  1287. @thewatbot
  1288. @AzhkanBot
  1289. @MissSenorita_bot
  1290. @VideoToGifConverterBot
  1291. @this_person_doesnt_exists_bot
  1292. @Video_To_Audio_Bot
  1293. @SearchLocationnBot
  1294. @YandexUpDownBot
  1295. @Alita_Robot
  1296. @MultiUsageBot
  1297. @MultiToolRoBot
  1298. @CatboxUploaderBot
  1299. @moviedbbot
  1300. @etchosts_bot
  1301. @asciiart_bot
  1302. @everyone_mention_bot
  1303. @noautopinbot
  1304. @FileHashBot
  1305. @TheHasherBot
  1306. @UploaderTelegraphBot
  1307. @firstlibrarybot
  1308. @UdemyScrapperZBot
  1309. @GetiTunesBot
  1310. @CaptionEditorZBot
  1311. @feedinboxbot
  1312. @translaterabot
  1313. @LinkShortenerZBot
  1314. @Spotify_dwld_bot
  1315. @igsavesbot
  1316. @ProxyGenerateBot
  1317. @textcanvas_bot
  1318. @ig_dbot
  1319. @UtilitiesRobot
  1320. @AutoDeleteV2bot
  1321. @nedzbot
  1322. @discount_livebot
  1323. @emojinateBot
  1324. @MessagesCounterBot
  1325. @DP_WatermarkBot
  1326. @RouteCabBot
  1327. @toosole_bot

  1328. Find those bots on Telegram Bots Catalogue, and here's my own bot (I have created it with another Bot Builder)
    1. Advertising and Promotion Bot
    2. Search Engine Bot
    3. Posting Bot
    4. Channel Broadcast Bot
    5. Posting Bot 2
    6. Group Manager Bot

    Telegram Bot Collections

    Bot collections > Discord, Steam, Slack, Telegram, etc... 🤖👽👾

    Mechanical robotic for illustration
    Mechanical Robotic - Illustration Only